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My services

I offer one-to-one and group coaching using a blend of modalities to help unlock personal potential and improving performance. With the help of these tools, I support my clients to breakthrough their psychological barriers – such as fear of failure and rejection that would normally prevent them from testing their abilities in situations outside their comfort zones. I help my clients gain confidence to overcome beliefs that would normally limit them and empower them to achieve more than they previously believed they were capable of.

I use a number of techniques, skills, frameworks to enable my clients resolve past issues that have an influence on their current situation and that what stops them from achieving their desired goals.

I help my clients get to the root cause of their limiting beliefs, negative emotions and unresourceful behaviours enabling them to:

  • Have laser like clarity on their purpose and vision both professionally and personally 

  • Create unwavering confidence and self-belief 

  • Break behavioural patterns that keep them from moving forward

  • Managing difficulties with ease in all aspects of life

  • Transition smoothly through life changes, from parenthood to relocation, while maintaining your career momentum.

  • Creating stronger & healthier relationships

  • Overcome burnout

My offer

My offer

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1. Discovery Session (free session)

1x 30 minute

2. Pay-as-you-go sessions (£100 per session)

Coaching at your convenience

75 minute sessions

3. Block of six weekly sessions (£600 for block)

Support provided via email and what's app in between sessions

1x 120 minute session

5x 75 minute sessions

4. Group Coaching sessions (£100 per person)

75 minute sessions

Minimum of 8 and a maximum of 10 delegates to ensure the best possible experience for all attendees.

My method

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Step 1: Connect with me

Let’s get to know each other and work out if we have the chemistry to work together.​

​Step 2: Let’s have a discovery call

I want to understand your challenges, what the impact of these are, how long have you had them, what would you like to change and happen instead and to understand if you are open to having coaching.

Step 3: Let’s have a coaching session

I will help you get to the root cause of the problem, look at what meanings you give to the challenges and what pictures  you create in your mind with reference to these.  We will also uncover your limiting beliefs, the emotions/feelings that  these bring up for  you and what behaviours you display when dealing with the situation.

Step 4:  Let’s breakthrough

I will help you and move towards the outcome you desire.

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