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privacy statement

This is the privacy notice of Mandeep Panu


This notice describes how we collect, store, transfer and use personal data. It tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

In the context of the law and this notice, ‘personal data’ is information that clearly identifies you as an individual or which could be used to identify you if combined with other information. Acting in any way on personal data is referred to as ‘processing’.

This notice applies to personal data collected through our website and through social media platforms and online retail platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

We do not share, or sell, or disclose to a third party, any information collected through our website.

We have appointed a data protection officer (‘DPO’) who is responsible for ensuring that our privacy policy is followed.


If you have any questions about how we process your personal data, including any requests to exercise your legal rights or a copy of this Privacy Statement please contact our DPO at

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