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Fears Can Be Overcome

‘Let fear be a counsellor and not a jailer’ – Tony Robbins Did you know that humans are only born with two fears - the fear of falling and of loud noises? Most fears are learned from parents or events that affect one’s mind and emotions in such a way that they feel terrified and their bodies respond with the ‘fight , flight’ or freeze response (Seth Norrholm). Fear has a purpose; it keeps us alive and saves us from potential dangers. Most fears and phobias such as a spider phobia, are not a real threat to our survival. In present day, we do not have the same fears as our ancestors had, we fear things that are not deadly like public speaking, failing, change, job losses etc. (Ashley van der Pouw Kraan) and it can stop us from achieving our full potential. Even though these situations do not require physical aggression or running away, our bodies react as if we are facing physical danger: with the fight or flight response.

Our psychological threats and stressors are different for each of us, based on our experiences, coping mechanisms, how we view life, our rules and beliefs, values, boundaries and measures of what is too much and out of balance.

As modern life becomes more pressured and complex, we add more and more psychological triggers. With the fight or flight physical changes, you are wired for action. You are ready to face the threats and do your best. This not only drains your body, it depletes vital stores of goodness.

Things that can trigger the fight or flight response:

Feeling threatened for example being asked to do things you do not want to do, working overtime, exams, unwanted change. Perceived threats or fears that one could experience in these situations are not being accepted, being embarrassed, being laughed at, being rejected etc.

We can be in and out of this fight or flight state many times throughout a day. This means we can be 'wired up' almost constantly – with dangerous consequences for our health.

‘The truth about fear is that it will never go away as long as you continue to grow and if you knew you could handle anything that came your way, what would you possibly have to fear’? ‘NOTHING’!... ‘to diminish fear, you must develop more trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way’! (Susan Jeffers) I help my client overcome their fears, do you need support with facing your fears so that you are not imprisoned by them?


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