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Creating Outcomes

“Whatever you consistently think about and focus upon you move toward’ -Tony Robbins- Do you see the worth in setting goals? Do you pay attention to the outcomes that you want? Do you want to get better at creating ‘Well-Formed Outcomes’? Most of us are accustomed to setting SMART goals, which gives us a sense of direction and focus on attaining our ambitions.

Hoobyar and Dotz suggest that Goals and Outcomes are frequently confused and suggested the following to clarify;

· A goal is what you do to get your outcome

· An outcome is the result of accomplishing your goal

‘Well-Formed Outcomes’ as Bandler & Grinder (NLP Creators) explain, are goals that integrate all aspects of one’s life (morals, ethics, relationships, finances, health, body, etc.). They make goals more believable and realisable’ and engage one’s primary senses. When I set my goals, I hadn’t thought of my outcomes or that goals are the steps that help us reach our outcomes. By using the process of setting ‘Well Formed Outcomes’ I became clearer about what the goal behind my goal was.

When you know what you want it is a lot easier to motivate yourself. For example, which do you want, to exercise or to be fit and healthy? The first is the goal and the second is the outcome.

The process of setting well-formed outcomes is also extremely useful to uncovering self- limiting beliefs, negative emotions etc. which could prevent one from creating desired outcomes.

Hoobyar, Dotz & Sanders suggest the following six questions to write well-formed outcomes;

1. State what you specifically want in a positive way

2. How will you know when you have achieved what you want?

3. Under what circumstances, where, when and with whom do you want to have this result?

4. What stops you from having your desired outcome already?

5. What resources will you need to help you create what you want?

6. How are you going to get there, what is the first step to begin to achieve this result?

Taking action, evaluating your result, taking more actions, if required, is critical when setting well-formed outcomes until the desired result is achieved.

I help my clients gain clarity of their outcomes and remove any negative emotions, limiting beliefs or negative emotions and would love to hear from you if you require any support creating the life you want.


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