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About me

Are you feeling stuck, expecting too much of yourself, never feeling that your work is good enough, feeling inadequate or incompetent, unappreciated for your efforts or are in a role that is not the right one for you? Is this affecting your health and performance? 


I get you! I have been there.

Having been an HR professional, I have more than 15 years’ experience in supporting business leaders in creating a positive and productive work environment aligned with the organisational goals. I totally understand the challenges that professionals face when they are working in highly pressured environments and the impact this has on their emotional states and lives.

I worked hard and took all the actions that my roles required with total commitment, professionalism, and integrity. I was desperately trying to make an impact in a world where my efforts were not recognised. I was working on outcomes that felt either meaningless or wrong, where I didn’t have the opportunity to leverage my creativity and skills. I worked long hours, juggling work and family priorities, constantly on the go – I was over-whelmed, tired and frustrated.


I wanted more from my life - I wanted to get off the rat racetrack and start doing what made me feel good and worthy. I was clear that I wanted to continue working with people in a more satisfying way, but like many others, I had developed habits and patterns of behaviour that were hard for me to identify let alone change. Using NLP skills I was able to examine and change the patterns that kept me from moving forward.


I wanted to show up more powerfully in my life and help others transform their lives through coaching using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) as well as other modalities.


Are you ready to Refocus, Re-energise and Reinvent yourself and be successful in everything you do, without any compromises? Connect with me and  lets talk about how I can help you achieve this.


My qualifications

I have a holistic approach and help my clients Refocus, Re-energise and Reinvent by using a blend of skills and modalities.

  • Master Practitioner of NLP

  • Practitioner of Hypnotherapy

  • Healing Through Personal Evolution using NLP

  • Usui Reiki Practitioner

  • HR Coach & Mediator

  • Foundations of Meta Health

  • MBTi Foundation Practitioner

  • Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) – Fully Qualified

  • BA (Hons) Business Admin with Human Resources Management

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